Best UK universities: Stonewall rates them


Degrees have become more expensive in the UK. As a consequence, both students and parents are starting to expect more from their colleges (universities). Research has shown that environments shape students’ abilities to excel. This means that evaluating the environment of the university is important. Stonewall has released a university guide for all UK universities. They’ve rated all of the UK universities based on a checklist. This checklist can be used alongside other international systems that rate universities in order for you to select the best. In this post, Pink Families highlights this useful work that has been done by Stonewall.

Stonewall rates UK universities

The checklist used by Stonewall involved 10 items that Stonewall rated as being important to student life and academic achievement. The checklist includes asking the following questions of your university.

  1. Is there a policy against bullying for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) students?
  2. Does the university have mandatory staff training about LGB issues?
  3. Is there a LGB staff network?
  4. Is there a LGB student society and how visible is this group?
  5. Does the university supply LGB-specific information?
  6. Does the university facilitate LGB events and how well are these events promoted?
  7. Is support available for LGB students, for example can LGB students access suitably qualified counselors?
  • Is the university working with Stonewall to promote good working environments? For example, is the university a member of the Stonewall diversity champion program?
  • Are LGB students able to contribute to the decision-making process in the university?
  • Does the university help LGB students plan for their future ahead? For example, do they actively help them with career advice and link them in with other LGB events?
  • Pink Families congratulates Stonewall on producing such a wonderful guide. The Stonewall guide can serve as a useful template for others around the world. Asking these questions may help work out which university will provide the most supportive environment for you. It can also be used to help universities improve what they offer.

    Why is this guide important?

    Having a supportive college environment is important. It helps with the development of self-esteem, positive identity, networking and confidence. Environments that fail to provide these environments may compromise students’ abilities to excel.

    As universities around the world move toward fee-based degrees, LGBTIQ students should be able to expect that the universities will fulfill their duty of care responsibilities by providing supportive environments, especially as these environments also have the potential to influence academic outcomes and progress.

    Find out more here.

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