1. Hearing the stories of other trans dads and connecting with others
Trans dads who are gay and have children, or are about to have a child, may find the milkjunkies a useful resource. In this blog, Trevor, shares his experiences of being pregnant with a child. He openly shares his experiences and explains how he was able to conceive a child even though transitioning by taking hormones and having chest surgery.
Many practical tips and solutions are shared in this blog, including for example, how to use a supplemental nursing system to help with breastfeeding. Plus, a free and open support group for transgender, transsexual or gender non-conforming individuals who are or are intending to give birth, nurse or raise a child can be accessed via this blog. Even though Trevor is based in Manitoba (Canada), the group meets online. This helps overcome any barriers related to geography or transport that might stop people from participating.
2. Transgender Rights Toolkit
Despite the large number of trans dads and the wonderful stories of trans families around the world, it isn’t always smooth sailing for trans dads. Sometimes trans dads experience challenges with negotiating the parental rights of children that are already part of their family.
Having answers to some basic questions about legal issues such as custody matters helps in these scenarios. Plus, practical assistance and resources make a difference. The Lambda Legal Fact Sheet is one such resource that helps trans parents and their families protect their rights and any challenges to parental rights.
3. Thinking about having a child
The question of whether or not to have a child is a big decision to make. Jay, a trans male, has openly shared some of his experiences of transitioning and his aspirations of having a child with his female partner. They plan to use in vitro fertilization to have a child. This video was produced by The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK.
Watch the video below that features Jay’s story. He and his partner wish to have a baby.
4. Name Change: A film about a special trans dad
Film is a wonderful way to celebrate and understand families. Kickstarter helped find funds for Sharon Shattuck’s quest to understand her LGBT family through film. Sharon shares some of her experiences of what it was like to have a trans dad in a small town in the US. She also takes on the question of “What is a healthy family?”
This wonderful film shows the strength of families, and all of the joys, liberation and consequences that come with having a trans dad.
Watch a taster for the film Name Change, made by Sharon about her trans dad.