On the eve of the launch, Jacob Tas, interim chief executive of Action for Children, said: “Being a good parent has nothing to do with being gay or straight. Right now there are more than 6,000 children waiting to be adopted and an urgent need to find 8,600 foster families. We run fostering and adoption services and help children achieve their dreams of having families.”
Lesbian, gay, bi and trans people often have just what it takes to be a new family for a child to thrive in.
Tor Docherty, director of New Family Social said: “If just one per cent of the LGBT community adopt or foster, this could plug the gap and ensure every child in the country has a loving home.”
“We truly believed that we would be the last couple to get a child. This was completely incorrect and if we hadn’t researched further into adoption we would still be waiting to become Daddy Mike and Daddy Joe to Archie.”
The London flagship event, which is being held as part of the LGBT Fostering & Adoption Week, will be held Friday March 9th, 2014. Adoption and fostering agencies and consortia will be present to help answer your questions.
The New Family Social is a UK charity for adoptive and foster families. The New Family Social network is composed of 800 families that share support online, and regional groups which meet regularly around the UK. It is led by LGBT adopters and foster carers who also work with agencies to help with service delivery, and to widen the pool of new parents for the many children who are waiting.